June 25, 2020
Year End Report Cards
Dear Parent and Guardians,
Student report cards are no longer sent home in paper format but are published to the MyEducation BC Family Portal. Current report cards are hosted exclusively online. Term 3 report cards were published to the… more
June 23, 2020
Access Report Cards Online
The MyEdBC Family Portal is the primary, best and easiest way to access your report cards.
To access the portal, click here: https://myeducation.gov.bc.ca/aspen/logon.do
Here’s what you need to know:
- If you’re new*… more
June 3, 2020
Meaningful learning at Connaught in the media
Dear Connaught families,
We wanted to share the links below with all our families. We are excited and proud to see our Connaught students’ art being highlighted in the local… more