News & Events

February 25, 2020

Action Required – MyEd Family Portal Access

Dear Parents/Guardians of Connaught Heights Elementary Students,

Connaught Heights Elementary School is excited to begin use of the MyEdBC family portal to facilitate greater communication between teachers, school and families. We are in the process of creating family portal accounts for ALL families at Connaught Heights Elementary School. The portal will allow students and parents/guardians to view:

  • class attendance information
  • contact information
  • assessment information shared by teachers
  • student schedules
  • school information
  • published report cards

When you receive notification, it is important that you log in and get acquainted with the portal environment since you will be receiving your child’s report card through the parent portal when we send them out in March. Moving forward, we hope to do much of our communication around student learning through the family portal.

In the coming days you will receive an email from, please open it and follow the instructions below to access your family portal account.

If you do not see an email from this address please check your spam filter as the system will be sending similar emails to many parents simultaneously.

Please email if:

  • you do not receive an email from MyEdBC by the end of day on February 25th, with the initial login information
  • you are having difficulties logging into your account

Login Instructions

Please see the attached document for a sample of the email that you will receive from MyEdBC. Sample of MyEd email.pdf

MyEd Family Portal Instructions.pdf     – Instructions for accessing the Portal are attached and will also be available on our school webpage.  Please note the first time logging on your family portal must be done on a computer, not phone or tablet. 

The Portal can be accessed at:

Initial login information and a temporary password to access your account will be sent to you from the MyEdBC email (

If you have children at NWSS, Glenbrook Middle School or Queensborough Middle School then access to all your students’ information will be through your existing account. When you log into your account you should be able to see all of your school age children’s accounts.

If this is not the case, please call Connaught Heights Elementary School, or send an send an email to with the following information

  • Your name and Login ID for MyEdBC
  • The name(s) and birthdate(s) of students who should show up on your portal account but do not
  • The school(s) of the student(s) who do not show up


MyEdBC is a secure student information system used in all public school districts in the province of BC.  Security is guided by the rules and regulations of the School Act and Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA).  Access to your child’s information is only provided to legal guardian(s).   Each parent or legal guardian will have their own account.

Warm regards,

Jennifer Scorda


Connaught Heights Elementary School